Chili - Available to meet in Vermont Chili+1.jpg

Chili - Available to meet in Vermont

SAL sal1.jpg


Chocko chocko5.jpg


ALISTAR alistar1.jpg


BUCK image3.jpeg


Dover DOVER3.jpg


Sweetie sweetie2.jpg


Louie Louie.jpg


Lilly Lilly2.jpg


Pat Pat1.jpg


Duffy Duffy.jpg


Sam - Senior Sam2.jpg

Sam - Senior

Baby - Senior Baby4.jpg

Baby - Senior

Daisy Mae Daisy+Mae+9.jpg

Daisy Mae

Inari - Courtesy Post - Troubles Behind Me Canine Training Inari.jpg

Inari - Courtesy Post - Troubles Behind Me Canine Training

Cora1 Cora3.jpg


Buff-Available to Meet in Vermont Buff1.jpg

Buff-Available to Meet in Vermont

Zeus Zeus4rev.jpg


Speckles-The Special Delivery Dogs Speckles1rev.jpg

Speckles-The Special Delivery Dogs

Venus Venus3.jpg


Zara-The Z Pups-Available to Meet in Vermont Zara4.jpg

Zara-The Z Pups-Available to Meet in Vermont

Pogo Pogo2.jpg


Bandit Bandit2.jpg


Titan Titan1rev.jpg


Lemmy Lemmy1.jpg


Ruby Ruby1.jpg


Ollie - Courtesy Post Ollie6.jpg

Ollie - Courtesy Post

Char Char Char1rev.jpg

Char Char

Barina - The Fancy Cars Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Barina2rev.jpg

Barina - The Fancy Cars Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Lotus - Fancy Cars Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Lotus1.jpg

Lotus - Fancy Cars Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Sundae - The Green Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Sundae1rev.jpg

Sundae - The Green Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Domino - The Green Litter Domino2.jpg

Domino - The Green Litter

Maverick  - The Green Litter 8c6f31da9c05457b7912ea1f21178dde.jpg

Maverick - The Green Litter

Betty Lou Betty+Lou+4rev.jpg

Betty Lou

Naomi-Available to Meet in Vermont _NEF6742.jpg

Naomi-Available to Meet in Vermont

Sienna Sienna1rev.jpg


Tango Tango3rev.jpg


Whiskey Whiskey3.jpg


Roscoe roscoe2rev.jpg




Flurry Flurry4rev.jpg


Rawson- The 'R' Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/1 Rawson.jpg

Rawson- The 'R' Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/1

Storm - Suzy's Pups Storm4.jpg

Storm - Suzy's Pups

Baron1 - The Royals - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Baron1.jpg

Baron1 - The Royals - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Duke - The Royals - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 duke8.jpg

Duke - The Royals - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Empress - The Royals- Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Empress3.jpg

Empress - The Royals- Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Rorie- Special Needs image0rev.jpg

Rorie- Special Needs

Figgy image2.jpg


Starsky - The Mighty 11 image4.jpg

Starsky - The Mighty 11

Hutch - The Mighty 11 Mighty+11_Hutch3.jpg

Hutch - The Mighty 11

Dixie - The Mighty 11 Dixie1.jpg

Dixie - The Mighty 11

Bonnie - The Mighty 11 Bonnie2.jpg

Bonnie - The Mighty 11

Chuck - The Mighty 11 Chuck2.jpg

Chuck - The Mighty 11

Lexi - The Mighty 11 Penny1.jpg

Lexi - The Mighty 11

Lainey - The Mighty 11 Lainey2.jpg

Lainey - The Mighty 11

Nikki - The Mighty 11 Nikki1.jpg

Nikki - The Mighty 11

Penny - The Mighty 11 Penny+-+1.jpg

Penny - The Mighty 11

Ross - The Bottle Pups Ross.jpg

Ross - The Bottle Pups

Alice1 - The Bottle Pups Alice.jpg

Alice1 - The Bottle Pups

Annie - The Bottle Pups Annie2.jpg

Annie - The Bottle Pups

Callie - The C Pups

Callie - The C Pups

Cleo1 - The C Pups

Cleo1 - The C Pups

Clyde - The C Pups image1.jpg

Clyde - The C Pups

Mavis - Available to Meet in Vermont Mavis1rev.jpg

Mavis - Available to Meet in Vermont

Sunshine Sunshine.jpg


Azalea - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Azalea2.jpg

Azalea - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Basil - Delta Litter Basil2.jpg

Basil - Delta Litter

Bud - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Bud2.jpg

Bud - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Corey - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Corey2.jpg

Corey - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Magnolia - Delta Litter Magnolia1.jpg

Magnolia - Delta Litter

Violet - Delta Litter Violet1.jpg

Violet - Delta Litter

Bolt - Available to Meet in Vermont image0.jpg

Bolt - Available to Meet in Vermont

Butternut - The Vermont Puppies- Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 BUTTERNUT2.jpg

Butternut - The Vermont Puppies- Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Candy - The Vermont Puppies Candy2.jpg

Candy - The Vermont Puppies

Stowe - The Vermont Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Stowe2.jpg

Stowe - The Vermont Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Truffles - The Vermont Puppies TRUFFLES2.jpg

Truffles - The Vermont Puppies

Satin Satin2.jpg


Cider - Available to Meet in Vermont Cider+2.jpg

Cider - Available to Meet in Vermont

Nash - Available to Meet in Vermont Nash.jpg

Nash - Available to Meet in Vermont

Tonia Tonia1.jpg


Bowie1.jpg Bowie_Mar23_1.jpg


Cabot - The Vermont Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 Cabot1.jpg

Cabot - The Vermont Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29

Harry - Available to Meet in Vermont Harry1rev.jpg

Harry - Available to Meet in Vermont

Charlie - The C Pups Charlie3.jpg

Charlie - The C Pups

Baron2 Baron1.jpg


Jake Jake1.jpg


Mya Mya1.jpg


Rufus Rufus2.jpg


Butterfly - The Vermont Puppies - Adopted Butterfly3.jpg

Butterfly - The Vermont Puppies - Adopted

Tedford image1.jpg


Hansel Hansel1Rev.jpg


Gretyl Gretyl1Rev.jpg


Dagwood - The Bumstead Family Dagwood1.jpg

Dagwood - The Bumstead Family

Baby Dumplin - The Bumstead Family Baby+Dumplin1.jpg

Baby Dumplin - The Bumstead Family

Apollo - Courtesy Post - Available to Meet in Vermont Apollo1.jpg

Apollo - Courtesy Post - Available to Meet in Vermont

Roxy - Courtesy Post Roxy2.jpg

Roxy - Courtesy Post

Penelope - Available to Meet in Vermont image0.jpg

Penelope - Available to Meet in Vermont

Cleo2 Cleo2.jpg


Honey image5.jpg


Boo-Available to Meet in Vermont image0.jpg

Boo-Available to Meet in Vermont

Lola - Adopted image0.jpg

Lola - Adopted

Pepper1a.jpg Pepper2a.jpg

Pepper - Adopted

Princess-Adopted IMG_5482.jpg


Dakin - The Vermont Puppies - Adopted Dakin1.jpg

Dakin - The Vermont Puppies - Adopted

Colt - The C Pups-Adopted Colt2.jpg

Colt - The C Pups-Adopted

Sunny - Suzy's Pups - Adopted Sunny.jpg

Sunny - Suzy's Pups - Adopted

Phoebe-The Girls of Friends-Adopted IMG_5248.jpg

Phoebe-The Girls of Friends-Adopted



Kia-Adopted image0.jpg


Rachel - The Girls of Friends - Adopted IMG_5229.jpg

Rachel - The Girls of Friends - Adopted

Frances - Adopted Frances2.jpg

Frances - Adopted

Rowan - Adopted Rowan1.jpg

Rowan - Adopted

Caden-Adopted Caden3.jpg


Browan-Adopted Browan1.jpg


Halo - The Moon Puppies  Adopted HaloF2.jpg

Halo - The Moon Puppies Adopted

Carlos - The C Pups- Available to Meet in Vermont-Adopted Carlos.jpg

Carlos - The C Pups- Available to Meet in Vermont-Adopted

Tipp - The Green Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont -Adopted Tipp2rev.jpg

Tipp - The Green Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont -Adopted

Jenny -Adopted Jenny1.jpg

Jenny -Adopted

Minnie  - The Fluffy Five - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted minnie1.jpg

Minnie - The Fluffy Five - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Donald-Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted Donald.jpg

Donald-Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Troy-The Double T Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted Troy1.jpg

Troy-The Double T Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Alice2- The Classic Rock Puppies-Adopted image13.jpg

Alice2- The Classic Rock Puppies-Adopted

Pierre - Adopted

Pierre - Adopted

Luna - The Moon Puppies - Adopted Moon+pups1.jpg

Luna - The Moon Puppies - Adopted

Calvin - The C Pups - Adopted

Calvin - The C Pups - Adopted

Charlotte - The C Pups - Adopted image13.jpg

Charlotte - The C Pups - Adopted

Ryder - The 'R' Litter-Available to Meet in Vermont-Adopted Ryder1.jpg

Ryder - The 'R' Litter-Available to Meet in Vermont-Adopted

Truman - The Double T Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted Truman.jpg

Truman - The Double T Puppies - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Cora2 - The C Pups- Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted image2.jpg

Cora2 - The C Pups- Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Chloe - The C Pups - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted Chloe3.jpg

Chloe - The C Pups - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Dot-The Special Delivery Dogs-Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted Dot5rev.jpg

Dot-The Special Delivery Dogs-Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Hydra - The Moon Puppies - Adopted HydraM2.jpg

Hydra - The Moon Puppies - Adopted

Panda - The Green Litter - Adopted Panda2rev.jpg

Panda - The Green Litter - Adopted

Frankie - Adopted Frankie.jpg

Frankie - Adopted

Ayla - The Moon Puppies - Adopted AylaF3.jpg

Ayla - The Moon Puppies - Adopted

Beethoven-Available to meet in Vermont-Adopted Beethoven2.jpg

Beethoven-Available to meet in Vermont-Adopted

Nash - The Classic Rock Puppies - Adopted Nash8.jpg

Nash - The Classic Rock Puppies - Adopted

Juno (The Chapman 9) — Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted juno3.jpg

Juno (The Chapman 9) — Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Raleigh - Adopted Raleigh1rev.jpg

Raleigh - Adopted

Lil Bit - Adopted LilBit2.jpg

Lil Bit - Adopted

Ernie - Adopted Ernie6.jpg

Ernie - Adopted

London - Adopted London1.jpg

London - Adopted

Henley - Adopted image0.jpg

Henley - Adopted

Champlain - The Vermont Puppies - Adopted Champlain2.jpg

Champlain - The Vermont Puppies - Adopted

Logan - Adopted Logan1.jpg

Logan - Adopted

Sampson - Suzy's Pups - Adopted Sampson3.jpg

Sampson - Suzy's Pups - Adopted

Stella - Suzy's Pups - Adopted Stellarev.jpg

Stella - Suzy's Pups - Adopted

Huber - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted Huber1.jpg

Huber - Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Tony-The Double T Puppies-Available to Meet in Vermont-Adopted Tony1.jpg

Tony-The Double T Puppies-Available to Meet in Vermont-Adopted

Glenda-Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted Glenda%2B3.jpg

Glenda-Available to Meet in Vermont - Adopted

Saint - Suzy's Pups - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 - Adopted Saint2.jpg

Saint - Suzy's Pups - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 - Adopted

Graham - The Vermont Puppies  - Adopted GRAHAM1.jpg

Graham - The Vermont Puppies - Adopted

Halladay HALLADAY1.jpg


Daisy - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 - Adopted Daisy2.jpg

Daisy - Delta Litter - Available to Meet in Vermont 3/29 - Adopted

Lucien - The Moon Puppies - Adopted Lucien2.jpg

Lucien - The Moon Puppies - Adopted

Zenith - The Moon Puppies - Adopted ZenithM2.jpg

Zenith - The Moon Puppies - Adopted
