Glenda-Available to Meet in Vermont
Glenda-Available to Meet in Vermont
Female, 28 wks, 24 lbs
Possibly has some chi in her, based on looks and personality
Sweet and loving
Shy at first but warms up quickly
Beginning to show more interest in playing and being curious
Medium energy; seems content with short walks
She loves her foster dog siblings, loves to follow them around and snuggle with them
Crate trained-enjoys eating and sleeping in it
She was initially startled by her first experience with the cold and snow, but is beginning to get the hang of walking in it!
From her foster mom:
Though she still shows remnants of her life as a stray with scavenger behavior and “freeze” instincts, she is sharing a home with 2 bigger, older male dogs and it’s helped her feel more comfortable learning how to be a house dog. She is adorable and so sweet and gentle! I think she will continue to blossom!”
Watch this video of Glenda! And here’s a new one