Nugget — Available to Meet in Vermont!

Nugget — Available to Meet in Vermont!


5 1/2 mo, female
Spunky and active
Eager to please; treat-motivated, a fast learner
Very affectionate; loves snuggles
Very good with people; gentle and playful with children
Interactions with cats have been good; will need slow introduction to other dogs to learn their cues
Loves toys, bones, puppy puzzles; likes to carry a ball in her mouth but doesn’t like to fetch it; good at entertaining herself
Enjoys being outside, running and playing
House-trained (uses a bell at the door); tolerates the crate but not her favorite thing
Ideal adopter will be active, patient caregivers who are willing to continue training classes and will provide Raven with lots of opportunities to socialize to learn how to best interact with other dogs

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